Bio lab manual class 11

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The rec e nt de v e lopm e nt of syllabi and te xtual ma te rial is an att e mpt to implement this basic idea. Study of Biology in clu de s micr oscopic obse rvations to rev e al min ut e in te rn al de tail s of the organism, biochemical testing to understand complex reactions taking place insi de the orga ni sms, expe ri me nts with li ve orga ni sm to u nderstand various physiological processes and even much more. Proteinaceous bacteriocins are produced by several LAB strains and provide an additional hurdle for spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms. This process yields two moles of ATP per mole of glucose consumed. In other words e xpe ri me nts i n B iology tru ly repre sents an interdi scipl in ary approach of learning. The Nat ional C ouncil o f E ducat ional Re se arch and Trainin g NCE RT is the apex body concerning all aspects of refinement of School Education. A simi lar approach has bee n taken whil e formulatin g the practica l syll abus of Biology for higher secondary stage. This article needs additional citations for verification.

Please forward this error screen to 216. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this comprehensive biology lab manual class 11 pdf by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Gram-positive, low-GC, acid-tolerant, generally nonsporulating, nonrespiring, either rod- or coccus-shaped bacteria that share common metabolic and physiological characteristics. These bacteria, usually found in decomposing plants and milk products, produce lactic acid as the major metabolic end product of carbohydrate fermentation. This trait has, throughout history, linked LAB with food fermentations, as acidification inhibits the growth of spoilage agents. Proteinaceous bacteriocins are produced by several LAB strains and provide an additional hurdle for spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms. Furthermore, lactic acid and other metabolic products contribute to the organoleptic and textural profile of a food item. Laboratory media used for LAB typically include a carbohydrate source, as most species are incapable of respiration. They consist of the organelles of a simple bacterial structure. LAB are amongst the most important groups of microorganisms used in the food industry. Two main hexose fermentation pathways are used to classify LAB genera. Under conditions of excess glucose and limited oxygen, homolactic LAB catabolize one mole of glucose in the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway to yield two moles of pyruvate. Intracellular redox balance is maintained through the oxidation of NADH, concomitant with pyruvate reduction to lactic acid. This process yields two moles of ATP per mole of glucose consumed. Representative homolactic LAB genera include Lactococcus, Enterococcus, Streptococcus, Pediococcus, and group I lactobacilli. Heterofermentative LAB use the pentose phosphate pathway, alternatively referred to as the pentose phosphoketolase pathway. One mole of glucose-6-phosphate is initially dehydrogenated to 6-phosphogluconate and subsequently decarboxylated to yield one mole of CO2. GAP is further metabolized to lactate as in homofermentation, with the acetyl phosphate reduced to ethanol via acetyl-CoA and acetaldehyde intermediates. Obligate heterofermentative LAB include Leuconostoc, Oenococcus, Weissella, and group III lactobacilli. In 1985, members of the diverse genus Streptococcus were reclassified into Lactococcus, Enterococcus, Vagococcus, and Streptococcus based on biochemical characteristics, as well as molecular features. Formerly, streptococci were segregated primarily based on serology, which has proven to correlate well with the current taxonomic definitions. Partly due to their industrial relevance, both L.

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